Field Notes From a Planetary Ecologist — Reasons for Hope (writing a book about True Sustainability)

Who are you?

Doug May

What is your project?

Field Notes from a Planetary Ecologist — Reasons for Hope (writing a book about True Sustainability)

This book reframes the collective human crisis — our unsustainability — expanding far beyond the concerns of fossil fuels and crazy weather. “True” Sustainability will require an elevation in Humanity‘s collective consciousness, as well as changing how we do things.

There are many STEM breakthroughs to be had along the way, but we must also recover and rebalance our partnership with our fellow humans, and with the living world around us.

The transformation has already begun, for some of us, revealing an orchestrated opportunity for Humanity (and Nature, and Landlady Gaia, and the Universe) to restore connections, and shine (again).

Can we see some photos?

Selfie 2005

Part of the core message, as prepared for my first printed mug.

“Work Out Your Own Salvation” — Parting advice from the Buddha.
A key guiding principle, at least since age 7. Vanity is the last to go.

Where can we find your work?

See Doug May’s Sustainability Book Excerpts here

Show us your work in progress:

Part of what I am celebrating, in getting the book out, is that I am finally comfortable with the model I have for the sustainability problem, for what the real goal is, and for how we can get there, starting from where we are right now.

I am celebrating that most of what is missing has already been demonstrated as at least feasible, when just 10 years ago most of what is missing was barely conceivable. We are already assembling a body of functional templates and living examples, of the new ways of being, thinking, and doing.

The acceleration in the last 4 years shows that we are heading for a breakthrough for humanity, even though most people are still not aware of the real problems, and are not yet personally interested in addressing them.

The working model shows that we can expect people to start to turn around in increasing numbers, as the new ways of doing, thinking, and being, start to become visibly demonstrated, as rapidly leading to a better world.

What will you ship at the end of 6 months?

Completed, peer-reviewed, edited-by-me manuscript handed off to my editors/publisher.

Follow along as Doug writes about True Sustainability and brings this book into being!


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