A New Substack + Writing Practice

Who are you?

Jacquie Clarke

What is your project?

I have started writing articles on Substack, with one introductory post! Just a week ago! My goal with this venture is to write and publish lengthy articles. The Substack articles are on topics I am passionate about and have a solid background. The format and style are to be determined! Will it be a personal essay style? Will it evolve into memoir? Will it be background research for my next historical novel? Follow along and we’ll discover together.

Also through the winter, I am dedicating the time to investigate how I want to improve my writing processes and implement systems or tools, with a focus on what works for me. My aim is consistency and quality writing. I work towards being able to sustain my creativity (for decades) as I work on long novels and short narratives.

Can we see some photos?

Here’s what I am working on - next post will reference Bruce Sterling’s Holy Fire
In the background, is my Beta Reader draft of my Historical Fiction, and the quilt that inspired that story. See the hand stitched signatures of friends and family (from 1911) on the quilt patches.
Plus the empty page, that I fill with my pen, daily for 10 minutes.

It’s Jacquie :) The writer

A link to your work:


A preview, snippet, or glimpse of your work in progress:

I enjoy books that explore questions such as ‘who am I’ and ‘where do I belong’ and the various answers make their way into my writing. Books have accompanied me through the ups and downs in life, and some have been very good friends that I return to for advice, comfort or inspirations. I want to share some of their wisdom with you here, such as:

  • Re-reading some of my favorite science fiction novels from the 1990s, they were eerily prophetic. Next article will feature Bruce Sterling’s “Holy Fire” published in 1996.

  • I am also in search of Crone Stories. As I anticipate my approach toward the age of sixty, I seek out who has gone before and what have they written.

What will you ship at the end of 6 months?

At the end of 6 months, I will have shipped 5 lengthy articles, published on Substack, and will have practices in place to sustain my creativity - and consistency and quality

Link to anything you’d like the community to review:

No feedback is needed, just a cheer to celebrate starting something new!


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