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Book Proposal: Decision Engineering for Overachievers

Who are you?

Michelle Florendo

What is your project?

I am working on a book that helps achievers who tend to have lots of options make big decisions with less stress and more clarity.

I combine my background having studied decision engineering at Stanford as an undergrad, with the emotional awareness and observations I’ve developed over 2000+ hours of coaching conversations with clients. I believe that emotions are not the enemy in decision-making, rather, they can be valuable sources of data if you know how to decipher them.

Can we see some photos?

A link to your work:

My website

A glimpse into your work:

Here is a draft of the introduction chapter. Would love to know what you think, and how I can make this even more compelling: Draft of the introduction chapter to my book

What will you ship at the end of 6 months?

By the end of June, I plan to have my book proposal, complete with 3 sample chapters, complete. At that time, I’ll also start querying agents.