Poetry Hive: An Online Writing Project
Who are you?
Melissa Kalinowski
What is your project?
Why does the beaver slap its tail? How do creatures adapt when floodwaters rise? When I hike each season, I observe the beauty and interconnectedness of nature—or I’m learning to see it: each element is like the silky threads of the great web that knits the whole system together. As I discover the connections, I’m in awe. I care about its preservation. Coincidentally, caring might make me a better human, too. To share my experiences and inspire more people to get outdoors, I created Poetry Hive. It’s an online writing project featuring poems and essays inspired by Northern landscapes and wildlife.
Can we see some photos?
Link to anything you’d like the community to review:
The content at poetryhive.com grows each month with new poems, essays, and commentaries. I’m looking for curious minds to read my work and sign up for the monthly newsletter.