Historical fiction inspired by a signature quilt

Who are you?

Jacquie Clarke

What is your project?

My historical fiction is inspired by the signature quilt stitched by my great-great grandmother, Malinda Clarke, over a century ago with names of their friends and family. I researched Canadian and American history of the period between 1880 and 1910. I wrote the fictional story to honor my family history as farmers, and to respond to the question “I wonder what it was like for Malinda, back then in 1905, setting up a farm on the Canadian frontier.”

Can we see some photos?

Where can we find your work and see your work in progress?

An excerpt is on my website — Historical Fiction – Jacquie Clarke

What will you ship at the end of 6 months?

I will have finished editing this story such that I can proceed to the self-publishing next steps.

Join us in cheering Jacquie on as she finishes editing and prepares to self-publish!


Co-design of Sabbatical Plans


E, a memoir