Brainstorm Road

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Gang of Cats

Who are you?

Leanne Gordon

What is your project?

Gang of Cats

Where the curious live and play
A community of inquisitive explorers & rabbit-hole divers meandering through all the good stuff we find.

I am launching a monthly newsletter in August for curious cats who want to be part of the gang.

Can we see some photos?

Where can we find your work?

Here is the sign up page:

Join the Gang of Cats

Follow on Instagram

Show us your work in progress

What will you ship at the end of 6 months?

I’ll be launching the newsletter and (reinvigorating) associated social media channels. I hope to have a couple of curious cat gatherings scheduled as well.

Join us in cheering Leanne on as she herds curious cats and be sure to sign up to receive her new newsletter!