Book Series on True Sustain-ability

Who are you?

Doug May

What is your project?

I am writing a series of (nonfiction) books about “true” sustainability, where we repair our connections to our fellow humans, to all of Nature, and to Landlady Gaia.

My first release will be a small piece for family, friends, teammates, and early readers. Timed for the year-end holidays, it will be a precursor to my first book, due out in 2025.

Can we see some photos?

A link to your work:

Doug (dougM) May (they/them/sib) is a long-time friend and student of Gaia. Doug currently participates as a member of the non-indigenous team working with the Kogi shamans to expand our collective capacity to heal the planet.

To connect with this work, and receive occasional updates, send an email to with the subject “please email updates”.

A glimpse into your work:

About the Kogi Shamans:

The Kogi shamans have been maintaining a living energetic and communication connection with the Earth Mother, and working to heal Her (where others have caused damage), and keeping Humanity’s general accounts with Her in balance, for at least 25,000 years.

Late in 2023 they delivered a message to several global communities of world-changers, about the Earth Mother’s dire state of degraded health and low energy, and the necessity for rapid healing work to be done. According to this message, Humanity’s primary option (to save our existing civilization) is to fully support the Kogi shamans in doing the direct healing work that only they can do, and then do whatever parts can be done by us (like regenerating soil, cleaning up the messes, and establishing and defending Nature’s rights, along with developing a fairly pervasive sense of mutual service and partnership among all of Team Humanity, and between us and Landlady Gaia). We must become willing partners in the rapid recovery and ongoing care for humanity, and the living biosphere, and the living spirit of the planet.

We are all currently under an intense probationary period (through the end of 2025), during which we must demonstrate real changes in our regard and care for Her, and for each other, and for Nature. This is the message they were told to get to us. This pilot program is part of their own response to the challenge of conveying right thinking to those of us living in the “developed” world (the younger siblings).

What will you ship at the end of 6 months?

My first release will be a small piece for family, friends, teammates, and early readers. Timed for the year-end holidays, it will be a precursor to my first book, due out in 2025.


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