Atomic Inner Seeing: A Memoir and a Substack

Who are you?

Cynthia Miller

What is your project?

My dream project on Brainstorm Road is to bring together my writing and my work—create a new website, tagline, and logo, and start a SubStack publication.

“Take Back Your Body, Mind, and Soul. It’s YOUR Life!”

What if we are multidimensional beings stuck in a limited reality constructed to make us feel unworthy, not good enough, abandoned, or unloved? These programs are passed down in our DNA and neurology and have nothing to do with who we are.

Unconscious sabotage runs deep, messing up all areas of our work, relationships, money, and life.

It’s your life, you can transform your fears, inner lack of self-worth, and self-denial.

Become the author, artist, and creator of your life—your body is your canvas!

Atomic Inner Seeing: Awakening Freedom, A Memoir

Written by the daughter of the man who built the world’s first H-Bomb. Read how her multidimensional life unfolds in mysterious ways; discover how she flew with angels and sees in cells.

The Inner (R)Evolution: A Guidebook to Create Your New Reality

Uncover how to embody your brilliance, gifts, and magical wonder in 12 dimensions and create your new reality from the inside out.

Can we see some photos?


A Blind Date in NYC: A Screenplay