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Creativity as Self -Care

Who are you?

Steven Thompson

What is your project?

Creativity as Self-Care is a project being completed by Steven Thompson. I am currently the Program Director of a Non-Profit. In that role, I serve students with high-incident disabilities. I am also in a doctoral program, obtaining a doctorate in Special Education. My project is designed to use creativity as a form of self-care to aid me in managing and processing the stressors of running a school and being a doctoral student. I do this by creating content which you can find here on my Website - The Steven Thompson Experience.

Can we see some photos?

Here are some images of my work. The image you see is of my writing process. I am currently working on my third novel. Each night before writing, I read a novel for five minutes. These are some of the works I am reading.

Where can we find your work?

My work goes out into the world regularly. My Youtube Channel has a series of videos designed to help educators deal with stress, a bi-weekly newsletter with worksheets and exercises to work through, and a blog to practice shipping consistently.

My project will be presented at The California Private Schools Conference on August 3rd- The title of the presentation/workshop is- WTF- Why The Frown- Leadership in Times of Crisis, and how to use creativity to enhance your well-being.

How inspiring is Steven’s commitment to his students, self-care and creativity? You’ve got to check out the work of this prolific creator, then leave a comment below cheering him on as he preps to present the project!