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Creating a Blue Zone on the Delmarva Peninsula

Who are you?

Sarah K Bronson

What is your project?

Creating Givers is a project with two parallel synergist tracks, Pledge Delmarva and BlueZone Creative.

Pledge Delmarva is a hybridization of the conceptual framework of the book, The Givers, by David Callahan, The Givers by David Callahan: 9781101971048 | Books; the needs and resources of the Southern Delmarva Peninsula; and an approach for designing and guiding complex collaborations to leverage networks and ecosystems, Strategic Doing,

The long-term objective of Pledge Delmarva is to create a Blue Zone What are ‘Blue Zones,’ and do they really hold the secrets to a longer life? | Live Science on the Delmarva Peninsula by building access to resources for healthy lifestyles. Blue Zone Creative will provide venues to recruit givers and nurture networks in Strategic Doing.

Can we see some photos?

Show us your work in progress

Check this out.

What will you ship at the end of 6 months?

The shipping goals are:

  • Live web presence for Pledge Delmarva and BlueZone Creative

  • Plan to create awareness of “How to get on the Pledge Delmarva Train”

  • Minimum of four blog posts to BlueZone Creative that segue to Pledge Delmarva

We’re inspired by how Sarah’s nonprofit is supporting the beauty and possibility of the Delmarva Peninsula. Follow along as she builds awareness around this important work!