Brainstorm Road

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Agile Discovery & Delivery: A Survival Guide for New Software Engineers & Tech Entrepreneurs

Who are you?

Amber Field

What is your project?

I am writing a book called Agile Discovery & Delivery: A Survival Guide for New Software Engineers & Tech Entrepreneurs about agile software development that mirrors the Capstone course I teach at UW-Madison. It focuses on the “people side” of software development – how to collaborate on a team to get things shipped. The book walks readers through the key concepts of agility from start to finish. From how agile teams figure out what to build (discovery) to how they collaborate to build it (delivery). Topics include agile principles, teams, Lean Startup, Design Thinking, Google Design Sprints, Scrum, Kanban, and much more.

Can we see some photos?

This is me!

This is the latest cover design

Where can we find your work?

The book is nearly done. I’ve got the pre-order link up and the final manuscript for the eBook is DONE! I’m working on the paperback and hardcover versions now.

Pre-order Link.

You can find some of my book excerpts here.

Show us your work-in-progress:

You can find some of my book excerpts here.

Check out the excerpt and cheer Amber on as she puts the finishing touches on her book!