A studio and workshops to get creative

Who are you?

Joshua Abush

What is your project?

A studio and workshops to get creative. (… a Creative’s Workshop?)

I’m building a real-life workshop and studio space for creativity where kids, youth and adults can learn the necessary skills and techniques they’ll need to explore and complete real-life projects and workshops. Working with traditional materials such as wood, glass, steel and textiles, and recycled and repurposed materials, they’ll learn to use their hands and a variety of tools to gain the confidence of project completion and the satisfaction of crafting with their own hands.

Can we see some photos?

This is me in my studio/workshop.

These are some photos from some mini “test” workshops.

Where can we find your work?


Show us your work in progress.

First draft signup pages on my website.

What will you ship at the end of 6 months?

I’ll be shipping a real, live, in-person workshop either for adults or youth in my Creative’s Space.

Join us in cheering Josh on as he ships a workshop in his Creative’s Space. Know someone who might like to learn more? Reply below!


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